This is the last in my short series about getting data into and out of a Web application running in Webkit. Previously I wrote about hosting Webkit in a Vala application using GTK+, in a C++ application using Qt and in a Python application using Qt Quick.

This time I'm going to do something a bit different: How can I pass data to and from a Javascript application running in Chromium? I'll be using Bash and command line utilities. Be on the lookout for egregious hacks!

Getting data in

Getting data into Chromium is easy — write it to a file and read it using XMLHttpRequest. jQuery's ajax function is a convenient way of doing this. Chromium needs the --allow-file-access-from-files command line option to read files from a Web app loaded from local disk.

An alternative is to pass the data as part the URL. However, the data would have to be available before Chromium was launched. I wanted to start Chromium and read the data in the background. Also, having the data visible in Chromium's omnibox isn't always desirable.

Getting data out

Getting data out of Chromium is much more difficult, and this is where a hack is required. Javascript running in a Web page can save data to the local filesystem using the following mechanisms:

  • Web Storage is basically a key-value store, which Chromium implements using SQLite. On Linux it's stored in ~/.config/chromium/Default/Local Storage.

  • IndexedDB is a key-value store like Web Storage but with searching and key traversal functionality. Chromium implements IndexedDB using LevelDB.

  • The FileSystem API is a Chromium-only way for Web applications to access a single, sandboxed section of the local filesystem.

We could store data in Javascript using Web Storage, IndexedDB or the FileSystem API and access it from outside Chromium. In all three cases, we'd be tied to Chromium's implementation: SQLite for WebStorage, LevelDB for IndexedDB, the Chromium-only FileSystem API and where Chromium chooses to store the data for all three.

I wanted to see if I could get data out of a Web app in a way which isn't dependent on Chromium's internals. It would be nice if the technique worked on Firefox too.

Using inotify (aka the hack)

So here's what I ended up doing:

  • Create 256 files, named from 0 to 255. Put some dummy data in each file.

  • Set up an inotify watch on the files so we get notified when each is opened.

  • When one of the files is opened, it means the Web app is passing us a byte of data, with a value equal to the name of the file.

  • In the Web app (Javascript), for each byte of data we want to pass out, use jQuery.ajax to open and read from the file which has the same name as the byte's value.

OK so it's a bit of a hack but it does actually work! It's not the fastest data transfer mechanism but it doesn't rely on Chromium internals — it works for Firefox too.

Also, it relies on inotify reporting file events in the order they occurred. We'll be serializing reads in Javascript (we won't start a read until a previous one has completed) so it should be okay.

Bash script

The easiest way to set this up is to write a shell script. Here's what it does:

  1. Parse command line arguments, including options to:

    • Specify the browser to use (default to Chromium).
    • Specify the URL to load into the browser (default to test.html in the same directory as the script).
    • Use fullscreen mode when launching the browser.
    for arg in "$@"
      case "$arg" in
        -u=*|--url=*) url="$(echo "$arg" | sed 's/^.*=//')";;
        -f|--fullscreen) args="$args --kiosk";;
        -b=*|--browser=*) browser="$(echo "$arg" | sed 's/^.*=//')";;
  2. Allow the browser to read files from local disk. For Chromium:

    if test "$browser" = chromium-browser -o "$browser" = google-chrome
      args="$args --allow-file-access-from-files"

    You can't turn this on from the command line for Firefox. You'll need to use about:config to set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false instead. Note this will apply globally for all sites so be careful. It would be a good idea to use Firefox profiles to stop the setting being used in your normal browsing.

  3. Define some variables we'll use later for specifying the paths of: a temporary file, a file for storing data read from standard input and a directory to hold the 0..255 files.

    tmp_file="$(dirname "$0")/data.tmp"
    data_file="$(dirname "$0")/data.txt"
    bytes_dir="$(dirname "$0")/bytes"
  4. Create files named 0 to 255 in a new directory.

    mkdir -p "$bytes_dir"
    for byte in {0..255}
      echo "$byte" > "$bytes_dir/byte$byte"
  5. Handle Ctrl-C by killing everything and removing all files and directories we may have created.

    trap "\"$(dirname "$0")/\" --skip=$BASHPID $$; rm -rf "$bytes_dir" "$tmp_file" "$data_file"; exit" SIGINT

    (more about here)

  6. Launch the browser in the background, passing it the URL to load. When the browser exits, remove the directory and the 0..255 files.

    "$browser" $args "$url"
    rm -rf "$bytes_dir"
    ) &
  7. Read from standard input, again in the background. Write the data to a temporary file and then rename the temporary file to the file that the Web app is expecting the data to be in. Doing it this way ensures the Web app never reads partial data.

    cat | (
    cat > "$tmp_file"
    mv "$tmp_file" "$data_file"
    ) &
  8. Use inotifywait to monitor for:

    • Any of the 0..255 files being opened.
    • The directory we created for them being deleted.

    inotifywait -m -e OPEN -e DELETE_SELF "$bytes_dir"/* |

  9. When one of the files is opened, print a byte to standard ouput, value equal to the file name. When the directory is deleted (i.e. the browser has exited), clean up and exit.

    (gawk 'BEGIN{i=0; j=0; code=0}{
      if (index($2, "DELETE_SELF") > 0)
      printf("%c", gensub(/^(.*\/byte)([0-9]+)$/, "\\2", 1, $1) + 0);
    "$(dirname "$0")/" --skip=$BASHPID $$
    rm -f "$tmp_file" "$data_file"

    As you can see, I'm using Awk to process the output from inotifywait.

Test Web page

Finally, let's look at test.html. It's a bit longer than the same page in my previous posts.

First, we need to include jQuery since we'll be using it for reading files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Now we'll define a function, exit, which should pass a message to the Bash script. For each byte in the message, it'll need to read from a file with the corresponding name. It should do this for each byte in turn — i.e. only read from a file when the previous read has completed.

function exit(msg, i)
    if (i === msg.length)

The first argument, msg, is the message and the second argument, i, is the index of the byte to process next. When we reach the end of the message, you can see we close the browser. Note for Firefox you'll need to use about:config to set dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows to true. Again, make sure you don't have this set for your normal browsing.

We use jQuery.ajax to read from the file named after the byte at index i:

        url: "bytes/byte" + msg.charCodeAt(i),
        cache: false,
        mimeType: 'text/plain',
        success: function (data)
            exit(msg, i + 1);
        error: function ()

Notice we make sure the browser doesn't cache the result because if the message contains the same byte more than once, we want the inotify handler to fire every time. Once the file has been read, we call exit again to process the next byte in the message. If an error occurs, we just close the browser.

Next we'll define a global, bridge, with two methods. First, a method to get the data that the Bash script has read from standard input (or an empty string if it's not yet available):

var bridge = {
    getData: function (cb)
            url: 'data.txt',
            cache: false,
            mimeType: 'text/plain',
            success: function (data)
            error: function ()

Second, a method to sit in front of the exit function we defined above, converting its argument to UTF-8 and starting things off at index 0:

    exit: function (msg)
        if (!this.exiting)
            // convert to UTF-8 (
            exit(unescape(encodeURIComponent(msg)), 0);
            this.exiting = true;

It also guards against being called more than once.

We'll also need a function which polls for data read from standard input:

function check_data()
    bridge.getData(function (data)
        if (data === "")
            setTimeout(check_data, 1000);

You can see it writes the data into an element with id data.

Finally, here's the body of the page:

<body onload='check_data()'>
data: <span id="data"></span>
<input type="button" value="Exit" onclick="bridge.exit('goodbye from Javascript')">

When the page loads, we start polling for the data from standard input. You can see the data element we write the data into. There's also a button which will pass a message out to the Bash script and exit the browser when clicked.

Test it all out by piping data to the Bash script like this:

echo 'Hello World!' | ./

You can find all the source from this article here.

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